UNIXSurplus is an established wholesale distributor who offers high quality servers, storage units, components, and networking equipment to customer worldwide.
UNIXSurplus provides a wide selection of products targeting diverse businesses. From colocation facilities, integrators, service providers, startups, developers and more. With decades of experience in the server industry and understanding of real world implementation, we can further enhance your success with precisely tailored solutions.
By using our vast and diverse stock inventory, we can offer the best value to help you reach your goals.
UNIXSurplus is committed to providing the best customer service and delivering high quality products with a quick turnaround time. Starting from a smooth purchasing process our sales rep will provide you the best possible options to suit your needs. From there, the rep will physically hand over and walk through your order with our technicians to ensure accuracy. The techs will go through our stringent testing processes before passing the order to our shipping team. The shipping team will then thoroughly check off the order and then carefully pack the items to our highest standards.
We ship worldwide -
Call Us For A Quote At: 1 (877) 864-9123 or Email Us At: websitesales@unixplus.com
We know our customers rely on our equipment, so quality assurance is our top priority. Every single system is thoroughly tested with a multi-checkpoint inspection by our highly experienced technicians.
Taking care of your customers and clients is your business. Our business is taking care of you. Our tailored solutions are created to help you reach your goals by fitting you with the most cost-efficient solutions.
All storage, networking, and server solutions are tailored to meet your needs. Our technical sales staff understand real-world implementations. We’ll make your life easier by offering the best value proposition.
We can’t do it all. We have strategic partnerships with some of the largest hardware manufacturers and software developers in the industry. Our relationship allows for access to source support and product information.